London Man Arrested after Creating a Disturbance at a Business

Laurel County Sheriff John Root says Deputy Tommy Houston was called out to a business off KY 552 where a man was reportedly screaming at a woman and creating a […]
New Deal Reached for Somerset-Pulaski County EMS

A Pulaski County EMS service will continue as a joint city-county venture. Months of negotiations resulted in the Somerset-Pulaski County EMS to continue the operation. A new interlocal agreement was […]
Clay County Man Receives Wendell Thomas Award

A Clay County man recently received an award which recognizes a person’s endeavors to promote the cause of African Americans in higher education. Council on Postsecondary Education President Dr. Aaron […]
Corbin Police Department Debuts Cruiser for Autism Awareness

The Corbin Police Department debuted a new design for one of their cruisers. The cruiser design is a tribute to autism awareness. The department says officers are trained to recognize […]
KSP Announces Traffic Safety Checkpoints

The Kentucky State Police Post 11 in London, which provides coverage for Clay, Laurel, McCreary, Pulaski, Rockcastle, Wayne and Whitley counties, has announced they will be conducting periodic traffic safety […]
Laurel County Sheriff’s Office Announces May Traffic Safety Checkpoints

Laurel County Sheriff John Root says they will be conducting traffic safety checkpoints this month at various locations that are experiencing a high rate of crashes resulting in injuries or […]